This wedding ceremony, Ember Events Center in downtown Salt Lake, marked my 100th wedding ceremony officiated in calendar year 2021, and 180 since March of last year. This service was third marriage for both of these characters, sweet and kind and quick, with a candle unity ceremony, and a "hell yeah I do" from the Groom. As a non-denominational minister, wedding officiant, and justice of the peace, I get invited to participate in wedding ceremonies like this all the time, in the coolest spots in the valley, for the most different couples you ever saw. Exposed brick in this hall made for a nice backdrop, picturesque and intimate, but really the key to these weddings is not the look or feel or location of the venue, it's the importance of the wedding vows they share, it's based on the commitments Bride and Groom are about to agree to, it's the support from the congregation, and it's an amazing ceremony delivered by the non-denominational minister, wedding officiant, and justice of the peace. Love this gig.
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