As a non-denominational minister and professional wedding officiant, I am the option for many couples who need a non-religious wedding ceremony, and sometimes that means a wedding ceremony in front of people from all over the world. This one? We had a service broadcast to Asia. So part of the gig for me was to provide the ceremony script in advance for translator review and preparation, then when I delivered the wedding service, I made sure to speak slowly, in one-sentence chunks, so the translator could do his job. And although it made for a slower-than-normal service, the Bride and Groom took everything in stride and were very caring/cute/grateful about how it went. The only option would have been to have a remote wedding, which is very possible, but there was a family restaurant involved and a full dinner party afterward, so the face-to-face translation option was actually amazing and on-point. It's one of my favorite things about being a non-denominational minister, I am involved in events that can be indescribable at times.
